God’s Ministries at Pilgrim Lutheran
Worship and Music
Sacristans/Altar Guild: We care for the worship space including setting up for communion each Sunday, care of the baptismal font, the candles, and the banners. Each Sunday we make sure everything is ready for worship. The root word of sacristan is sacred and so we are charged with caring for sacred objects. If you would like to be part of this ministry please contact Fay Coats or Anna Short at the church office (509)488-9952.
Eucharistic Care Ministry: Small teams of two or three people take the communion elements to our shut-ins at Coventry House and Avalon Care Center every Sunday. Included with this ministry is a sharing of the sermon or sermon highlights and news from the church, as well as bulletins.
Adult and Youth
Fellowship and Service
Fellowship and service is a ministry for the church. We get to know one another well through our fellowship. This ministry of fellowship and service arranges for gatherings where food is shared, stories are told, and relationships are formed. Some of our ministry includes funeral meals, recognition Sunday, receptions, and other fellowship events as needed. Annual outreach events include the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, a baked potato feed in the fall, and Easter breakfast where proceeds from these events are donated to local charities.
Prayer and Care
Pilgrim Lutheran has a prayer chain through E-mail and also the phone. If you have a prayer request that you would like to share, please fill in the prayer request form and send. If you need emergency care, please contact Pastor Don at (509)761-1212.
Property and Management
The Pilgrim Lutheran Quilters is an ecumenical group. Just like kids, we have a summer break; then buckle down to make 275-300 quilts, working on Wednesdays only from September until the end of May. It takes a lot of energy, creativity, and generosity to reach this goal.
We give the quilts to our local Christmas Basket program, local fire victims, veteran’s hospital, local disasters, Othello Emergency Aid, and Lutheran World Relief. It begins with the kindness of donations – those who give of their time and energy, those who give materials or money, and those who give it all.
It makes my heart zing as I watch this very dedicated group making quilts. We have an assembly-line process so everyone can find a job that they are comfortable doing. If you can’t sew, we still need your help because there are many tasks needed to complete a quilt. Each person gets to decide what they want to do, and how many hours they can volunteer their gifts of time and labor. Please join us on Wednesdays from 9:00-2:00 September-May. You will find it rewarding to make quilts that provide warmth for those in need. And it is a fun place to be!
If you have questions, please leave a message for Sharon at church 509-488-9952.
Pilgrim Lutheran participates in a vacation bible school program with four churches in town. Marcia Bougher is our Sunday School Director and teacher.